As a kind of catering industry, buffet itself faces a series of limitations in the development process: product homogeneity, brand lack of characteristics, low price and low positioning are difficult to meet the new generation of consumers‘ pursuit of delicious, fun and affordable needs, etc. from the perspective of the general trend of catering consumption upgrading, the mass buffet brand must first return to the origin of delicious and think about brand transformation We need to escape from the red sea of hard to make profits and upgrade prices, and seek our own price comfort zone.

The design of miesi Niu cafeteria has spent a lot of attention, saying that people take food as their priority,

When you have experienced the physical and mental happiness, and the evening comes, you must taste a cup of warm wine, talk about family habits, gossip, share the happiness in work, tell the troubles in work, and enjoy the quiet and leisurely night with friends. Food and nature coexist.
